Here's how to add a security profile once you have the security system in Lynx set up. If you have yet to set the security system up see Set Up System Security.
Note: If you set up even one security profile (other than for the security officer), then you need to set them up for all of your users. Otherwise, these other users will NOT have access to the system.
TO ADD SECURITY PROFILES OR PASSWORDS. . . the "security officer" does the following:
From the Lynx Main Menu . . .
1. Left-click on Company and a drop-down menu will appear.
2. Left-click on Company Setup.
3. Left-click on Security Setup.
4. This will display the Lynx Security Clearance window.
5. Open the drop-down list of User Names using the button and locate the "Security" profile.
6. Enter the "Password" and left-click the button. This will display the Add, Change, Delete Security Profiles window.
From the Add, Change, Delete Security Profiles window. . .
1. Left-click the button and enter the first User Name (this can simply be their name).
2. Enter the Password associated with this User Name (this should be unique and somewhat obscure).
Note: The password can be any alpha-numeric combination from 1 to 255 characters but should NOT contain any blanks.
3. Select the appropriate information from these dropdown menus:
4. Check the areas of the system (Customers, Bookkeeping, etc.) you want this user to have access to. No check, no access. This combination of checks (that is, access or no access) represents the "security profile" for this person.
5. Left-click the button. This will post your changes to the system, saving them.
6. If you would like to adjust the access to any of the reports in the system for this security profile do the following:
7. If you would like to adjust the access to any of the menus in the system for this security profile do the following:
8. If you'd like to add another security profile, return to step 1 above.
9. When you're done setting up all of the security profiles, left-click the close button to return to the Lynx Main Menu.